



Retreat 3: Usūl al-Tafsīr

Fundamenterne for Tafsīr

This course provides a fundamental outlook to interpretational methods and explores pivotal topics that are of great use to a student, such as rulings that pertain to contemporary tafsir and the ways in which deriving benefit from scripture need not be of an exegetical nature.

The course questions the validity of exegesis undertaken by unqualified individuals and analyses the key principles that ensure a legitimate understanding amongst a whole host of other issues related to Tafsir.

Learning Outcomes

  • The pitfalls of delving into Tafsir without knowledge
  • Linguistic meanings, lessons, morals and spirituality
  • Essential elements that build Tafsir and the key principles that define Usul al Tafsir
  • What exactly is a Mufassir (exegete) and what are the conditions of his/her qualification
  • Reasons for varying explanations and to reconcile variations
  • The different modes of recitation and their impact on Tafsir
  • Judeo-Christian narrations and their applicability to understanding the Qur’an


Fra: 29. sep 2023 kl. 18

Til: 1. okt 2023 kl. 17.


Minimum ca. 18 år





For mænd

Hvad man får for prisen

  • To overnatninger
  • Kursuskompendium
  • 2x morgenmad, 2x frokost og 2x aftensmad
  • Mange undervisnings-sessioner
  • Case studies
  • Gruppediskussioner
  • Mulighed for at stille spørgsmål
  • Fællesbøn og Qur'an
  • Karaktér- og spirituel udvikling
  • Teambuilding og sportsaktiviteter
  • Kåring af vinderteam
  • Broderskab og meget mere!


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